One day we will laugh.
We will enjoy each others company.
We will walk the shores and see that life couldn't get any better.
We will give our salutations to the sun and it's bitter goodbye as it falls under the stars.
We will make faces at it with only silhouettes of our bodies screened across the horizon,
and all that will be left is you and I and the sound of the waves.

I've been sitting back trying to find a moment of bliss.
A moment where pain is three shots, a blank and a miss.
Many times I laugh but it ceases to phase me.
I'm not sure if my mind is telling me I'm crazy.
A moment where pain is three shots, a blank and a miss.
Many times I laugh but it ceases to phase me.
I'm not sure if my mind is telling me I'm crazy.
I want to find a place that I can sit and feel normal;
where things like taking off your shoes is considered formal.
where making faces at authority is quite typical,
and watching people fall down stairs is hysterical.
Yeah, it sounds quite liberal,
but don't we all have a little voice in us that is somewhat vocal?
where things like taking off your shoes is considered formal.
where making faces at authority is quite typical,
and watching people fall down stairs is hysterical.
Yeah, it sounds quite liberal,
but don't we all have a little voice in us that is somewhat vocal?
It is a voice that screams every time you want it to whisper.
And hell no, it sounds nothing like a short spoken lisper.
It is a voice that yells with perfect, bold pronunciation;
demanding you to find that awe sensation,
that bliss that you were looking for right from the start,
but that bliss can only come from one person...
The one that holds your heart.
At times though this one can be hard to get,
but that is no reason you need to work up a sweat.
Although it feels like you're constantly jumping that hurdle,
remember that they will always be your little seaturtle...

Bigger and Better things
Posted on 2:05 PM, under Abstract, art, graphic design, inspiration, website
I don't know where to go with this blog anymore. I want to continue with it, but how long will it take till my words dry out and wind carries me on to just another interest on the web? All I am doing is taking one more address that someone may want in the future. How big is the Internet. It seems as though it may never end. Day after day, there is something new on it. Websites are being created by the dozens and content is being slapped as though it is one step up from the everyday publication.
I have had some inspiration lately. Maybe it's the fact, that my two dimensional art is boring me and I want to continue it but move up a step on the creativity level, or it's the idea that I grow tired with one thing and slide on to the next like I tend to do with my mind. I want to actually create my own website where I can express myself away from the daily blog everyone always sees. To be honest, do I want a blog where you hear me or do I want a website where you can see me. Does that make sense?
With this website, it would flourish with my art, it will bleed what I see everyday, it will scream "Abstract!" It will be a sanctuary where those who want, can sway to the ambiance created by the layout I present. I can dream, but can I create? We will see...

photo by Aaron Michael Brown

I'm chasing dreams and I enjoy every minute of it.
I am playing games with what if's and I'm roll'n deep,
chin high and shoulders tight.
Life has treated me well.
Lets get out of this town and make history.
Years may pass and people could start talking,
but we know our journey and we will continue
chin high and eyes in flight.
Let that inspiration swell.
There is so much out there that we could miss.
There is so much out there that we could learn.

Can we talk?
Can we catch up with what we have missed? Can we create a bond that can grow and flourish? I have a feeling like there are so many stories I have yet to hear. There is inspiration at every corner, yet I have walked the hallways blind and covered my face on each ninety degrees of motivation. I feel as though my inspiration has taken a fall for time and while I just create illustrations without that drive to know what I really want, I lack the choice to stop. It isn't that my art suffers, but I suffer with the knowledge that I can create something better. I want to create a piece that can reach in to someone's chest and touch that beating thing we call a heart. I want my art not only shock the observer, but make them question who they are as a human being. Art will always be my life and to give that up in a moment of creativity block would be like kicking a leg that is already broken; it is already weakened, it is already breathless, it is already pushing up daisies. I need some awakening.

I have a friend that will be leaving in a week.
I will miss her dearly.
Whether it was talking about how we lived so close back home, yet we never did anything there together or sitting back and watching a movie while accidentally burning popcorn twice in a row (that would be my doing),
I will miss her dearly.
Whether it was moments where we would not see each other for long periods of time and talk on the side or moments of looking at each other face to face and not saying a word,
I will miss her dearly.
I wish I spent more time with her as a friend, but that time has come and gone. Embrace those who are in your life, for they may be gone in a blink of an eye. The sad part about it is that you will not realize how much you will miss them until they are already gone, so take every opportunity given to show them how much you care for them.
I will miss her dearly.
Whether it was talking about how we lived so close back home, yet we never did anything there together or sitting back and watching a movie while accidentally burning popcorn twice in a row (that would be my doing),
I will miss her dearly.
Whether it was moments where we would not see each other for long periods of time and talk on the side or moments of looking at each other face to face and not saying a word,
I will miss her dearly.
I wish I spent more time with her as a friend, but that time has come and gone. Embrace those who are in your life, for they may be gone in a blink of an eye. The sad part about it is that you will not realize how much you will miss them until they are already gone, so take every opportunity given to show them how much you care for them.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same." - Flavia Weedn
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same." - Flavia Weedn

Why do I reach for things that have "Out Of Bounds" written all over them?
Why do I fall apart like 'Jenga' when one things goes wrong?
Why do I find errors in moments that are out weighed by the perfections?
Why do I always fall for the next thing in line?
I sat in a car for a long drive today and me being the forgetful person I am, I forgot to charge my ipod after using it yesterday on the bus to Cedar Point. In that kind of situation, most people would turn to the radio, but this is me we are talking about. If I have a choice between mainstream (radio) music and silence, I would take the silence any day. Nothing against music on the radio, it's just not me, and there is also something about silence that humbles a person. You should try it sometime.
But with dead air, there comes moments to ponder. I kept focusing on what I have done these last few weeks and realized a few flaws I have left unshackled, if I say so myself.
Each one of these questions have an answer if I really tried to look for them, but is it the answer I am looking for? I spend all of this time questioning why I do things and how I do them, but I feel as though I should just sit back and tell myself:
"this is what makes me, me"
"this is what separates me from you"
"this is why I am Abstract Greene"
If I had one suggestion for you, it would be to sit in a silent car, on or off. Preferably off if you are parked in a garage with the doors closed. I don't want to be responsible for anyone dying of carbon monoxide intake. But while you are in that car, put it in park and pop the seat back and let your mind wonder. Let it hike the trail it has not been on for quite some time. Let it soak in the tub you have been filling the last few weeks. I bet you will find moments in your life worth the smiles and the attention. Although you have a question, a knack for finding flaws or even a disappointment, it's not the end of the world. Strut on to bigger and better breaths of fresh air. Maybe after three winks, you will realize that God has a plan for you.
Why do I fall apart like 'Jenga' when one things goes wrong?
Why do I find errors in moments that are out weighed by the perfections?
Why do I always fall for the next thing in line?
I sat in a car for a long drive today and me being the forgetful person I am, I forgot to charge my ipod after using it yesterday on the bus to Cedar Point. In that kind of situation, most people would turn to the radio, but this is me we are talking about. If I have a choice between mainstream (radio) music and silence, I would take the silence any day. Nothing against music on the radio, it's just not me, and there is also something about silence that humbles a person. You should try it sometime.
But with dead air, there comes moments to ponder. I kept focusing on what I have done these last few weeks and realized a few flaws I have left unshackled, if I say so myself.
Each one of these questions have an answer if I really tried to look for them, but is it the answer I am looking for? I spend all of this time questioning why I do things and how I do them, but I feel as though I should just sit back and tell myself:
"this is what makes me, me"
"this is what separates me from you"
"this is why I am Abstract Greene"
If I had one suggestion for you, it would be to sit in a silent car, on or off. Preferably off if you are parked in a garage with the doors closed. I don't want to be responsible for anyone dying of carbon monoxide intake. But while you are in that car, put it in park and pop the seat back and let your mind wonder. Let it hike the trail it has not been on for quite some time. Let it soak in the tub you have been filling the last few weeks. I bet you will find moments in your life worth the smiles and the attention. Although you have a question, a knack for finding flaws or even a disappointment, it's not the end of the world. Strut on to bigger and better breaths of fresh air. Maybe after three winks, you will realize that God has a plan for you.

What is it about one hug that makes me want to stay and savor the moment.
I come back to visit and to catch up with a few friends and I realize how much I have missed my second home. The place where I am always welcomed. The place where relationships have grown. Those people whom I have let out to dry and put on pause, only bless my presence when I get back. It may be summer and I do have an excuse for not being near them, but I do not have any excuse for totally losing contact. I apologize dearly to all whom that may pertain to. Life here in Elkhart is beyond my expectations and has kept every waking hour of my time busy, but I miss Fort Wayne. I am ready to be heading back and rejuvenating the fellowship I have put aside. Two more weeks.
Time passes; music plays,
Smiles are crossed and eyes gaze.
There are people,
might I say silhouettes,
paused amongst the crowd,
gawking at the two on stage.
They stand there singing their hearts out;
letting each word scream its own story,
scream its own passion,
scream its own journey.
I find myself drowning in the moment.
Nothing can touch me now.
I come back to visit and to catch up with a few friends and I realize how much I have missed my second home. The place where I am always welcomed. The place where relationships have grown. Those people whom I have let out to dry and put on pause, only bless my presence when I get back. It may be summer and I do have an excuse for not being near them, but I do not have any excuse for totally losing contact. I apologize dearly to all whom that may pertain to. Life here in Elkhart is beyond my expectations and has kept every waking hour of my time busy, but I miss Fort Wayne. I am ready to be heading back and rejuvenating the fellowship I have put aside. Two more weeks.
Time passes; music plays,
Smiles are crossed and eyes gaze.
There are people,
might I say silhouettes,
paused amongst the crowd,
gawking at the two on stage.
They stand there singing their hearts out;
letting each word scream its own story,
scream its own passion,
scream its own journey.
I find myself drowning in the moment.
Nothing can touch me now.

But with July peeking around the corner, I can only look forward to an even better month. I plan to throw my sandals off once more and soak in the sun till my cheeks peel and my nose is cherry red. I plan to celebrate my 21st birthday on the 5th of July with friends and family. And I plan to become closer to those who I have not spent enough time with lately. It will be a month worth remembering and a month full of memories. So hats off to the ruby month, July, the seventh month on the Gregorian calendar, the warmest month in the northern hemisphere, and the month named after Julius Caesar. It will be great.

I will be back... I promise!!!
It has been weeks, if not months, since I have written in this blog.
Summer has hit and as much as I thought there would be that free time to write everyday and really get my name out there, I have been rubbing knuckles of one day to another, staying up late till my arms can't carry their own weight, and working my brain to the point where everything begins to become funny. You know exactly what I mean by that, and if you don't, how do you know me? lol
Anyway... There has been so many things to talk about but right now I just got back from a wedding and I don't have the brain capacity to tell each story in detail... so here I am promising that I will be writing if not everyday, every other day, to catch up on what I have to tell, share with you what has been on my mind, and reinvent my blog so that I don't end up being too busy to ever not write something. So till tomorrow... have a great night, take care and I will be back in action with some sleep under my belt.
Aaron C. Greene
It has been weeks, if not months, since I have written in this blog.
Summer has hit and as much as I thought there would be that free time to write everyday and really get my name out there, I have been rubbing knuckles of one day to another, staying up late till my arms can't carry their own weight, and working my brain to the point where everything begins to become funny. You know exactly what I mean by that, and if you don't, how do you know me? lol
Anyway... There has been so many things to talk about but right now I just got back from a wedding and I don't have the brain capacity to tell each story in detail... so here I am promising that I will be writing if not everyday, every other day, to catch up on what I have to tell, share with you what has been on my mind, and reinvent my blog so that I don't end up being too busy to ever not write something. So till tomorrow... have a great night, take care and I will be back in action with some sleep under my belt.
Aaron C. Greene

Oh the world we live in!
This morning I was searching the world wide web for various forms of signage. I wanted to use a modern yet slightly humorous construction of the everyday ideograms we see. Oh... the reason I was on this small excursion was all for a project I'm working on in my Graphic Design class. With my eyes glued to the screen and half glazed over with the usual daybreak of tuesday morning, I came across this picture and realized a spelling error. I felt obligated to bring this up mainly because in a world of graphic design, mistakes like this are drastic. We as designers of graphics must ALWAYS recheck our work and if spell check tells you that a word is wrong, most likely it is wrong. Also if you are not sure on anything, there are people out there to help you. People are always ready and willing to offer a helping hand whether you need it or not and for them to be asked for help surprisingly enough gives them a sense of importance and value.
On the lighter side, I did come across many beautiful designs and spell checked works, so I guess there are enough quality designers out there to balance the field. To the graphic designers out there, power to you and make an impression with the skills you were given and be a role model to those who are looking to be in the field. Competition only improves everyones dexterity.

This weekend I was sifting through my excessive amount of "junk" that has accumulated in my dorm room over this past year of college. I was hunting for items that I had no problem sending home before school was out, mainly because I didn't want to have a lot to move out at one time when it came to me doing my final victory dance out of student housing at IPFW. (Side note: I am never going back to student housing unless it's to visit a friend)

While I was digging through the unnecessaries, I came across a monstrous stack of old mix CDs. Those CDs that you throw together in a jiffy that consist of the craziest mix of songs; Songs that sit on opposite ends of the music spectrum, songs that aren't even the language you speak, and best of all, songs that make you laugh and enjoy life just that much more because of how ludicrous and preposterous the content of the song was. For example: "Who Let the Dogs Out" by Baha Men. The first time I heard that song, my dad, my brother and I were driving around Elkhart (to hacienda if I'm not mistaking) and we all thought it was the coolest song EVER! I even want to say we were rocking out to the song haha... Now the song seems just ridiculous. You get the point.
So, one thing that has continually amazed me about listening to old music favorites has been the ability to recall long lost memories through audible recognition. For me, it hit me when I was driving down Coliseum Rd. euphorically screaming to an old favorite of "If I Told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop" by The Juliana Theory.
"Windows were open, sunglasses were on; I was driving down the toll road with an old friend, allowing the fond and fresh summer air to fill my lungs and the one pound bag of twizzlers to fill my stomach. Every now and then I would catch eyes with a passing car that had the same direction, if not destination as we had. We were driving to Notre Dame University to work concessions and see friends because it was an easy point for Key Club and an easy excue to leave home. While we were on our brief, half-sized road trip, this song wold every now and then fall on my car speakers and we would find joy in mouthing, singing and dancing to the song."
So what I am getting at is that although years have passed and music preference has somewhat shifted away from that exact scene of music, the same euphoric emotion could be expressed. And the best part is, those emotions weren't exactly expressed because of the the music style but because of the memories we recollect in that brief moment of audible pleasure.
I challenge you to either find your old CDs or search some of your old favorites and see where those take you. Even if there isn't a sharp memory attached to the song, you will still withdraw an emotion and feeling of that time period. It is most definitely worth every second.
Take care and smile more. You'll live a longer, healthier life.
I looked through my music in my xanga to see what I use to listen to back in the day and i was surprised to see all the bands that I forgot I listed to... here is a few of them that I found quite enjoyable.
- Daphne Loves Derby (posted new songs on their myspace)
- Wheatus
- JamisonParker
- The Evans Anthem
- Baha Men
- Eiffel 65
- Will Smith
- Cake
- Dispatch
- etc.

All I hear is word vomit as it is spat out left and right. I spend more time wiping off the remains than trying to pay attention, but I feel like everyone else feels the same way. My ears burn and my eyes wander. I catch another stare from across the room every now and then. I can't help but want to scream after every distilled pause. Not because there is silence, but because my eyes have already glazed over with checkered confusion. The air gets stale and my mouth dries out; my hands just want to draw, but I know that I will get called out if I try and do anything other than stare with the habitual empty face I have in this class. It's not like I am always this way, but when I feel like there is nothing productive happening my mind goes crazy, my head spins.

So today on my drive back to Fort Wayne after an amazing Easter with family, I listened to a stuffyoushouldknow podcast on death. Basically, it was talking about how us as humans are so afraid of death and yet we have it on our minds so much. To me, death is a scary thing to talk about. I know it happens and I am at ease with the idea that I am leaving this world for a better place, but there is this slight doubt on how will the transition happen. In one moment, it crossed my mind that we work so hard to prolong life yet we have this fascination with death. We take medications, we eat healthy, and we avoid all activity that poses any risk at all to our health which in many instances dampers the quality of life. We avoid the experimentation of our capabilities and what we want to try to keep us on our toes.This avoidance in most cases is presented as fear; for example the fear of riding a roller coaster or fear of skydiving. I don't know about you but I would go skydiving in a heartbeat. This summer you could call me up to go and I would be packed and on my way to your place within minutes as long as my schedule allowed it.
I don't really know what sparked this, I guess I just wanted to let you know what I was thinking... but hey, isn't that what a blog is all about? Till next time, I will keep you all in mind. As always check out my art on
I don't really know what sparked this, I guess I just wanted to let you know what I was thinking... but hey, isn't that what a blog is all about? Till next time, I will keep you all in mind. As always check out my art on

Hey there everygoodbody,
Here's a new update for the soul. Recently I have been wanting to throw some of my art online but I haven't had a place to put it. Yes, I do have a deviantart website (, but I feel as though I am to that point where I need to considered a true artist and what true artists have is a personal website. Also, as a graphic designer, this gives me a chance to present my skills in web and layout design. I can kill two birds with one stone... woot. So, on to the world of web. These last few days have been a turmoil of tutorials learning the latest in HTML, ActionScript, Javascript and so on, but my brain is beginning to hurt and program codes are starting to mesh. I forget what goes where and for what program... bleh, it is a big headache if you ask me. So back to my goals. I plan on constructing my own personal website within the month, wish me luck, and I will do my best to keep you updated and in check. The plans are creating the entire setup in actionscript (FLASH) so the entire site is animated!! Till next time, take care and keep reading!
Sorry, I don't want to give out my website domain name yet, because I don't want to disappoint anyone when they try and go to it now, because it isn't up yet.
Here's a new update for the soul. Recently I have been wanting to throw some of my art online but I haven't had a place to put it. Yes, I do have a deviantart website (, but I feel as though I am to that point where I need to considered a true artist and what true artists have is a personal website. Also, as a graphic designer, this gives me a chance to present my skills in web and layout design. I can kill two birds with one stone... woot. So, on to the world of web. These last few days have been a turmoil of tutorials learning the latest in HTML, ActionScript, Javascript and so on, but my brain is beginning to hurt and program codes are starting to mesh. I forget what goes where and for what program... bleh, it is a big headache if you ask me. So back to my goals. I plan on constructing my own personal website within the month, wish me luck, and I will do my best to keep you updated and in check. The plans are creating the entire setup in actionscript (FLASH) so the entire site is animated!! Till next time, take care and keep reading!
Sorry, I don't want to give out my website domain name yet, because I don't want to disappoint anyone when they try and go to it now, because it isn't up yet.

It has been three days.
My mind is free and my mouth is bone dry.
Yet it is raining and I have a drink sitting an arm reach away.
I try my best to sneak my head around the window sill without being seen,
but there are those moments of embarrassment when I end up locking eyes.
It has been three days.
I see people gliding in the rain doing their best to avoid each intoxicating drop,
but as persistent as they are, the moisture wants to cling to whatever it can gets it's hands on.
They take quick stride after stride in response;
some laughing, others emotionless,
but in the end there is a sign of achievement in their faces when they are able to take cover.
It has been three days.
I find myself slightly poisoned by the cold, gloomy and wet night.
I pull tight the one blanket keeping me from possibly losing a finger or two.
It keeps me constricted, leaving only that profound gut feeling of loss.
To ease the tension I rip open my chest only to find an open sky.
Clouds are accented across the piercing blue canvas,
while a breeze rolls past torn ends of flesh only to tickle what nerve endings are exposed;
a few butterflies from three days back take the opportunity to leave while the coast is clear.
It has been three days.
my mind is free and my mouth is bone dry.
my life is still and my heart is sky high.
I feel the warm sun beating in my chest,
while I sit in the cold, hoping for the best.
We have those moments of fear and doubt,
but it is only our ability to cast them out.
Live life to its fullest and you will never look back.
My mind is free and my mouth is bone dry.
Yet it is raining and I have a drink sitting an arm reach away.
I try my best to sneak my head around the window sill without being seen,
but there are those moments of embarrassment when I end up locking eyes.
It has been three days.
I see people gliding in the rain doing their best to avoid each intoxicating drop,
but as persistent as they are, the moisture wants to cling to whatever it can gets it's hands on.
They take quick stride after stride in response;
some laughing, others emotionless,
but in the end there is a sign of achievement in their faces when they are able to take cover.
It has been three days.
I find myself slightly poisoned by the cold, gloomy and wet night.
I pull tight the one blanket keeping me from possibly losing a finger or two.
It keeps me constricted, leaving only that profound gut feeling of loss.
To ease the tension I rip open my chest only to find an open sky.
Clouds are accented across the piercing blue canvas,
while a breeze rolls past torn ends of flesh only to tickle what nerve endings are exposed;
a few butterflies from three days back take the opportunity to leave while the coast is clear.
It has been three days.
my mind is free and my mouth is bone dry.
my life is still and my heart is sky high.
I feel the warm sun beating in my chest,
while I sit in the cold, hoping for the best.
We have those moments of fear and doubt,
but it is only our ability to cast them out.
Live life to its fullest and you will never look back.

So not too much has been happening with the whole company idea. I know it feels like it was all said and done in the past and that we rushed on it to suddenly hit a wall, but I promise you, something is boiling on the back burner. Ideas are churning, options are opening up, people are offering a helping hand. It will be here when you least expect it. Shirts will be going to print within the year and a site will provide everyone with that itch for more. My plan is to provide my targeted audience with a new season every two seasons so that more and more designs come rolling in. Keep your eyes peeled and thank you all for your support.
This is Aaron Greene and hope you are smiling.
"Life is short to be a downer."
This is Aaron Greene and hope you are smiling.
"Life is short to be a downer."

A showcase of our lives bring back old memories.
We do our best and wait for an outcome.
What is next?
Where will this lead me?
Sometimes it is driven all by fear; Other times by curiosity. I guess where I am going with this is that we put in and submit our lives to what we have a true passion for and we wait to see if we are up to par, up to standards if I may say so. But I guess my question is that what defines standard? Is standard what we as human beings should strive for? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Standard is defined as a conspicuous object formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem. That doesn't help me out at all though... I am looking for a different use of the word "standard." The MWD also defines it as something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of extent, value, or quality. That tends to fit better with what I want to fall on.
These past few weeks I have been challenged and sized by my abilities. The school newspaper I work for went to Bloomington, IN this weekend for the ICPA Newspaper Convention to both attend a few lectures and be compared to other papers of our qualities. Although we won a few awards (a few being a good six or so), they tended to be all design based. In my case, this convention has shown that we as a newspaper staff have the potential to put out a paper that can be successful, but does it measure up to the standards? If you sat our paper out on a table with all of our competitors, we stick out like a sore thumb. Our paper size is of different width and height, our front cover always consists of solely design, and our masthead is of a more design quality. In a sense, this is a good thing, but with it being different then how can we compare it to the what I have continually been calling the standard? This is where I fall short of knowledge. Different has a tendency to want to conform so it isn't outcasted, but then it doesn't want to be like the rest of the world and their natures. Our paper, The Comunicator is of it's own standards and that is why I love it dearly.
Another challenge that has been put in my hands since I've posted last has been IPFW's Portfolio review for Graphic Design, Fine Arts, and Photography majors. This portfolio review is the decision maker for whether or not I or any other student is capable of continuing onto further 300-400 level classes. I needed to mount fifteen of my best pieces for the professors to discuss and make the decision. Going from 10am to 4pm, that was the longest 6 hours I have ever waited. Graphic Design/Art is my first love and to ever be judged on it makes me nervous because I don't know if I am considered one of the standards. Anyway, this is what is on my mind at the moment. I will blog of more happy times and good momories I have been having recently with my new campus family and friends. take care till then and it feels good to be back.
Check out our school newspaper if you ever get the chance, we put our heart and souls into this production and it would make wonders for some outcome!
We do our best and wait for an outcome.
What is next?
Where will this lead me?
Sometimes it is driven all by fear; Other times by curiosity. I guess where I am going with this is that we put in and submit our lives to what we have a true passion for and we wait to see if we are up to par, up to standards if I may say so. But I guess my question is that what defines standard? Is standard what we as human beings should strive for? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Standard is defined as a conspicuous object formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem. That doesn't help me out at all though... I am looking for a different use of the word "standard." The MWD also defines it as something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of extent, value, or quality. That tends to fit better with what I want to fall on.
These past few weeks I have been challenged and sized by my abilities. The school newspaper I work for went to Bloomington, IN this weekend for the ICPA Newspaper Convention to both attend a few lectures and be compared to other papers of our qualities. Although we won a few awards (a few being a good six or so), they tended to be all design based. In my case, this convention has shown that we as a newspaper staff have the potential to put out a paper that can be successful, but does it measure up to the standards? If you sat our paper out on a table with all of our competitors, we stick out like a sore thumb. Our paper size is of different width and height, our front cover always consists of solely design, and our masthead is of a more design quality. In a sense, this is a good thing, but with it being different then how can we compare it to the what I have continually been calling the standard? This is where I fall short of knowledge. Different has a tendency to want to conform so it isn't outcasted, but then it doesn't want to be like the rest of the world and their natures. Our paper, The Comunicator is of it's own standards and that is why I love it dearly.
Another challenge that has been put in my hands since I've posted last has been IPFW's Portfolio review for Graphic Design, Fine Arts, and Photography majors. This portfolio review is the decision maker for whether or not I or any other student is capable of continuing onto further 300-400 level classes. I needed to mount fifteen of my best pieces for the professors to discuss and make the decision. Going from 10am to 4pm, that was the longest 6 hours I have ever waited. Graphic Design/Art is my first love and to ever be judged on it makes me nervous because I don't know if I am considered one of the standards. Anyway, this is what is on my mind at the moment. I will blog of more happy times and good momories I have been having recently with my new campus family and friends. take care till then and it feels good to be back.
Check out our school newspaper if you ever get the chance, we put our heart and souls into this production and it would make wonders for some outcome!

First Kisses make Second Wishes
Posted on 8:30 PM, under awkward, First Kiss, love, moments, Persistence
You lean in for that first kiss and end up biting your lip
and tasting the blood that thirsted for every inch of unpleasant silence;
for every part of lost hope embarked in the wrong direction, at the wrong time.
Your ears burn with hope of hearing every inaudible word that lays in that single moment
where two decide to stare in opposite directions. One may ask, "what should we do?" when they both know that the other just wants to jet out of the room to leave the unenviable stillness that lies in between each shoulder, but instead all remains static.
Your mouth ends up yearning for a drink of anything, because rage and half act confusion has dried up whatever moisture that was present in the first place.
This could either end up making a moment or taking a life. Either one will be a story told till the end of time. So make your decision. Run. Hide. Give in. Or if you are brave, try again.
Persistence always trumps and love always ends the discomfort.
I have had this kind of story on my mind all day, and I just had to get it out there so I couldn't regret not posting it. Thanks for the read and if this sparked any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
and tasting the blood that thirsted for every inch of unpleasant silence;
for every part of lost hope embarked in the wrong direction, at the wrong time.
Your ears burn with hope of hearing every inaudible word that lays in that single moment
where two decide to stare in opposite directions. One may ask, "what should we do?" when they both know that the other just wants to jet out of the room to leave the unenviable stillness that lies in between each shoulder, but instead all remains static.
Your mouth ends up yearning for a drink of anything, because rage and half act confusion has dried up whatever moisture that was present in the first place.
This could either end up making a moment or taking a life. Either one will be a story told till the end of time. So make your decision. Run. Hide. Give in. Or if you are brave, try again.
Persistence always trumps and love always ends the discomfort.
I have had this kind of story on my mind all day, and I just had to get it out there so I couldn't regret not posting it. Thanks for the read and if this sparked any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
I thank my sister who's text encouraged me into writing this.
Even though I never responded back to her.
Sorry sissy

A way to end the day.
A way to put your life on hold.
A way to add the cherry on top of a day.
The last thing to say to your loved one.
The last thing to say before suicide.
The last thing to write after a long day.
A way to put your life on hold.
A way to add the cherry on top of a day.
The last thing to say to your loved one.
The last thing to say before suicide.
The last thing to write after a long day.

I remember recently someone asking me why I was always so nice? For example, why would I do something that shows no beneficial sides to me? What kind of question is that? I guess it never occured to me that I or anyone in that matter could be "too" nice to someone. We have the ability to live, love and cherish life whenever we want, and we were given this ability from God himself. I guess I just want to ask you why do you not take advantage of opportunities of being nice? These opportunities of being nice can drastically change us as human beings and our quality of life.
That's about it... I just needed to get that off my chest
"Abstract" Greene
That's about it... I just needed to get that off my chest
"Abstract" Greene

keepin it small for this one, because I have a busy day... sorry
I found it slightly amusing that if you search "knowing when it's the right time" into google you get results in the origin of:
The ironic side of it all though is that the best moments in time/the best moments in life, are those spur of the moment/living life on the edge instances. We spend life focusing less on time and more on quality. We life, we laugh and we smile. Stress levels drop, social life goes up. It took a long time for me to realize that the lives that we are given are worth every second. If we really want it and I really mean want it, we can improve our lives 100% just by my power.
I found it slightly amusing that if you search "knowing when it's the right time" into google you get results in the origin of:
- knowing the right time to potty train (when things are getting messy)
- knowing the right time to buy stock (now)
- knowing the right time to hire an employee (when things are getting messy)
- knowing the right time to ask a favor from your boss (answer is never)
- knowing the right time to give up (when things get messy)
and so on... but what I was trying to find was just a generalized article on knowing the right timing in social interaction and life events but that type of article was nowhere to be found... i guess I am the first to write about it then!!! woot.
I am no psychologist, but in my opinion, the human race spends more time and brain capacity on assessing a situation and calculating a quick reaction than the amount we really need to use. We as people worry more about when to say something than what to say in most circumstances. We time every motion, we time every word, and we time every response.
The ironic side of it all though is that the best moments in time/the best moments in life, are those spur of the moment/living life on the edge instances. We spend life focusing less on time and more on quality. We life, we laugh and we smile. Stress levels drop, social life goes up. It took a long time for me to realize that the lives that we are given are worth every second. If we really want it and I really mean want it, we can improve our lives 100% just by my power.
So next time you think about getting timing exact and realizing you are already missed it, live, laugh and love and all of a sudden timing isn't that important.
Keeps your heads up and thank you.
in the middle of writing this post, my editor in chief mentioned a photographer that knows the true sense of timing so I along with Said recommend you checking out the French Photographer of the name Henri Cartier-Bresson and his "Decisive Moments in Time" portfolio. He is astonishing.

Hello Readers,
I am currently in the midst of reconstructing my site so please be patient. This is all new to me and it may take a while. If you know how to help with any glitches, my ears will be open to your help... thanks and I will be posting sooner or later this week.

Life can be a confusing mess flustered and meshed with expectations, wants and needs. I expect this, I want that and I really need that one, but with valentines day a stone throw back from this empty silent morning, I find myself realizing that the holiday was never what it was put up to be. I apologize in advance to any of those valentine go getters out there but I just want to state that I don't honestly understand the holiday and I stand behind all that I say in this post. We are mentally hardwired by the media in this day and age to think that we must become these romantic experts who become love droids for our partner (that is if we have one) and purchase for them something that shows our affection that can't be just some lousy half-asser. In a world where Hollywood's saying one thing and our lives state another, we are left with high expectations and much disappointment. I guess what hits me is the fact that we are given a specific day to show love to a partner where we have the ability to do that whenever we want. Why is one day appointed to an everyday expectation. Not to throw out bible verses at you but doesn't John 13:34 state that we must love one another as he (GOD) has loved us? I am almost 83% sure that is correct.
Another issue that just ergs me is that we are controlled to think that if we are single, me being one of them, we show of little importance to the valentine season when the season is truly about showing love toward another. I know how to love, why am I of less importance. It is just one big love fest in my eyes. On my half I actually ended up spending the day with a few friends going on a road trip to Oakland, MI for a basketball game and there seemed to be enough people there giving their love out in a different fashion. So all in all, it just doesn't crack up to what it is said to be in my opinion.
I once have heard that suicide rates were higher during valentines day and Christmas, but there happened to be no statistical data to backup that statement. I was doing some small side research and apparently the media boosts their reports on suicide during these times just to get more attention which ends up leaving us, the public, assuming that rates are higher and people are more in the dumps. During this small browse through the web, I found out that on any given day the average amount of suicides happen every 17 minutes in the US. That is around 82 suicides a day. What kind of world do we live in where we feel like taking our life is a better option than improving it? The human race is so messed up to think that depression is the smarter way to go and suicide is the only form of medication.
That is basically where I am at in this situation. I wish I could do something to help those who are not mentally stable but that is way above my head. Anyway, I will leave the post at that and I hope you guys had a happy safe valentines day.
Aaron Greene
Another issue that just ergs me is that we are controlled to think that if we are single, me being one of them, we show of little importance to the valentine season when the season is truly about showing love toward another. I know how to love, why am I of less importance. It is just one big love fest in my eyes. On my half I actually ended up spending the day with a few friends going on a road trip to Oakland, MI for a basketball game and there seemed to be enough people there giving their love out in a different fashion. So all in all, it just doesn't crack up to what it is said to be in my opinion.
I once have heard that suicide rates were higher during valentines day and Christmas, but there happened to be no statistical data to backup that statement. I was doing some small side research and apparently the media boosts their reports on suicide during these times just to get more attention which ends up leaving us, the public, assuming that rates are higher and people are more in the dumps. During this small browse through the web, I found out that on any given day the average amount of suicides happen every 17 minutes in the US. That is around 82 suicides a day. What kind of world do we live in where we feel like taking our life is a better option than improving it? The human race is so messed up to think that depression is the smarter way to go and suicide is the only form of medication.
That is basically where I am at in this situation. I wish I could do something to help those who are not mentally stable but that is way above my head. Anyway, I will leave the post at that and I hope you guys had a happy safe valentines day.
Aaron Greene

Good morning readers,
Not sure what to do yet, but yesterday I fainted in mid-bloody nose and I am sort-of freaking out. Waking up to a pool of blood around my head isn't really what I have in mind for my daily to-do list. And it isn't like life is already hectic enough. Paper here, friends there, homework here, and life there... Bleh... So I guess I am just in need of some prayers if you guys get the chance. I would not be able to thank you enough.
So back to the true reason I started this blog for. THE SHIRT COMPANY. I met up with my brother this weekend to talk business and just to see him of course, and we finally got hard quotes. So our next plans are to throw a good 30 designs up onto a survey for you people to vote on 8 favorites and then we can launch from there. So far 20 down and 10 to go. Here are some names of our designs so far.
graphinki carabooka alaneni forgatsi chini pow
meaning "I want to faint right now"
Aaron Greene
Not sure what to do yet, but yesterday I fainted in mid-bloody nose and I am sort-of freaking out. Waking up to a pool of blood around my head isn't really what I have in mind for my daily to-do list. And it isn't like life is already hectic enough. Paper here, friends there, homework here, and life there... Bleh... So I guess I am just in need of some prayers if you guys get the chance. I would not be able to thank you enough.
So back to the true reason I started this blog for. THE SHIRT COMPANY. I met up with my brother this weekend to talk business and just to see him of course, and we finally got hard quotes. So our next plans are to throw a good 30 designs up onto a survey for you people to vote on 8 favorites and then we can launch from there. So far 20 down and 10 to go. Here are some names of our designs so far.
- Icarus
- Bad Hare Day
- St. Louis Swinger
- Artsy Fartsy
- Big Fish in a Little Pond
- A Bird is A Song
- Last Straw
graphinki carabooka alaneni forgatsi chini pow
meaning "I want to faint right now"
Aaron Greene

My body decided to take a mental/physical/immune system crash these last couple days.
Monday - Headache, coughs, fatigue
Tuesday - Headache, sore throat, falling asleep during classes
Wednesday - again headache, voice box melt down, drugged up, motion dizziness, cold with 5 sweaters on! (Thanks for dealing with me Monica and Lucas... hah...)
Thursday (today) - slight dizziness, sore throat and cold 24/7
Let's just say it has been a BLAST! (sarcasm) Glad it is taking it's end though. I want to say it all began last Friday where I took that nice crash landing during sledding. My body has just been going downhill (haha... notice the pun) since that day. Although the crappy days continued I was blessed to have company two of those days. Monday night and Tuesday night Lindsay was over to keep my psyche occupied. Although she had no idea that I was feeling like crap when she came over, she stayed and kept my mind off of it. I have to say that the best moments of this last week has been her company and our random conversations running everywhere from where her grandma lives, which is freakishly close to where I live, to bed time stories as a child. To those who know this small insert and laugh "Doritos and Pop" power to you!!! Well, I want to end it at this. I need to rest one more night, and that should end this week of long lost winter blues. Stay sweet, fall deep, and crash hard. It's how you live and how you pretend that define the true soul of your inner being.
graphinki lalapala duchakini
lol that means "I love you" in my abstract world
i just made it up!
Aaron Greene
"crazy" by Aaron Greene
Monday - Headache, coughs, fatigue
Tuesday - Headache, sore throat, falling asleep during classes
Wednesday - again headache, voice box melt down, drugged up, motion dizziness, cold with 5 sweaters on! (Thanks for dealing with me Monica and Lucas... hah...)
Thursday (today) - slight dizziness, sore throat and cold 24/7
Let's just say it has been a BLAST! (sarcasm) Glad it is taking it's end though. I want to say it all began last Friday where I took that nice crash landing during sledding. My body has just been going downhill (haha... notice the pun) since that day. Although the crappy days continued I was blessed to have company two of those days. Monday night and Tuesday night Lindsay was over to keep my psyche occupied. Although she had no idea that I was feeling like crap when she came over, she stayed and kept my mind off of it. I have to say that the best moments of this last week has been her company and our random conversations running everywhere from where her grandma lives, which is freakishly close to where I live, to bed time stories as a child. To those who know this small insert and laugh "Doritos and Pop" power to you!!! Well, I want to end it at this. I need to rest one more night, and that should end this week of long lost winter blues. Stay sweet, fall deep, and crash hard. It's how you live and how you pretend that define the true soul of your inner being.
graphinki lalapala duchakini
lol that means "I love you" in my abstract world
i just made it up!
Aaron Greene
"crazy" by Aaron Greene

sI went to Franke Park last night and went sledding with the amazing SALT group. Sledding at 7:30 though wasn't really what I had in mind to spend my time, but I did it anyway. It just seems a little dark and cold outside at the time to try and have fun sledding, but it ended up being a blast even though I left with a major headache, a bloody mouth, and loss of any feeling in my toes and face. Nothing a few ibuprofen couldn't fix though. Plus, it was my fault all of those things happened so I could care less on how much they hurt... lol
I guess it just hit me that fun depends on who you are with not really what you are actually doing. Well, that isn't always true, but we will just negate those other options, because they don't support what I want to talk about... haha Like I was saying, it may have been 9 degrees outside and you couldn't see the bottom of the hill while sledding, but I couldn't have had a better time. I do wish a few people that I thought may have gone would have but I can't control that. They have plans of their own or they just don't like the cold as much as I do. Another example; think back to the last time you just sat around with friends and talked. There could have been running around, playful banter, or loose flirting, but those moments stick. It may have not been too eventful on the other hand, but you kept on smiling and having a great time. I love those moments and I hope to have many of them, but that just shows that fun is where there are friends and friends are where there is fun.
That does it.
For an ending, I want to just spiel out just random words.
rando mango filliopolis shambango
"Heart In Hand" by Aaron Greene
I guess it just hit me that fun depends on who you are with not really what you are actually doing. Well, that isn't always true, but we will just negate those other options, because they don't support what I want to talk about... haha Like I was saying, it may have been 9 degrees outside and you couldn't see the bottom of the hill while sledding, but I couldn't have had a better time. I do wish a few people that I thought may have gone would have but I can't control that. They have plans of their own or they just don't like the cold as much as I do. Another example; think back to the last time you just sat around with friends and talked. There could have been running around, playful banter, or loose flirting, but those moments stick. It may have not been too eventful on the other hand, but you kept on smiling and having a great time. I love those moments and I hope to have many of them, but that just shows that fun is where there are friends and friends are where there is fun.
That does it.
For an ending, I want to just spiel out just random words.
rando mango filliopolis shambango
"Heart In Hand" by Aaron Greene

I fell in love with a new music... but I don't know if I should make anything serious of it. I mean, seriously, it lifted me off my feet and left a smile on my face bigger than I ever imagined... It was like one of those smiles that tend to slap across your face after a heart whelming story was just told or you see an old friend you never expected to see again. There is that moment of bliss; there is that shiver of excitement; there is that keen sense of no senses whatsoever. It's unbelievable. But back to what I was talking about, if my other music ever found out, it would be the end of me. It's not really like I am cheating on my other music, I just am listening to the newer music more. It allows me to tap into my abstract world. My abstract world where nothing could ever go wrong and designs fly past my head non stop. I LOVE IT.
The bands that I am talking about are Metavari and Deastro. A friend and I just got back from their small concert going on here in fort wayne at the tiger room. I left breathless and dizzy, but in a good way, if that were to be possible. If you have never heard of them, I truly recommend them to anyone that appreciates good music. Metavari is all instrumental and Deastro is more of a vocal light rock in my opinion. Check them out!!!
you will fall in love as well... i promise
"still life" by Aaron Greene
The bands that I am talking about are Metavari and Deastro. A friend and I just got back from their small concert going on here in fort wayne at the tiger room. I left breathless and dizzy, but in a good way, if that were to be possible. If you have never heard of them, I truly recommend them to anyone that appreciates good music. Metavari is all instrumental and Deastro is more of a vocal light rock in my opinion. Check them out!!!
you will fall in love as well... i promise
"still life" by Aaron Greene

I got home way too late to post anything... give me a day to shake this off and I will bring you up to date! bleh...
I got home way too late to post anything... give me a day to shake this off and I will bring you up to date! bleh...

So I had a class today that was cancelled and it wasn't because of weather, but because of a sick teacher. It also helped that the class was my last one of the day so I had time to ponder and be inspired lasting from freetime to bedtime if you catch my drift (and it is still running strong).
With so much time off though, I wasn't really sure how to spend it. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely nice to have. I just don't have enough things to do to fill time. I sat and pondered how soup got it's name and why in the north we call it pop, where the south calls it soda. Not mentioning the west and their weird ways of calling every kind of pop "coke". On the more productive side, I finished a drawing, hung out with a few people, and got some homework done. I also finished a mock-up of a shirt that may go into production. It is all words right now. Again, if you have any ideas that you would like to see on a shirt, hit me up. I am always open to ideas that people would wear.
That should do it for now. I want to blog about something more important tomorrow if I have the time. Stay in touch and I'll keep you updated if anything happens worth noting.
"murder over a broken heart" by Aaron Greene

So this morning I think it finally hit me in what my brother and I are doing. We are starting a company. We are putting our names out there. I mean, shit, we are throwing ourselves out there. We want people to notice us and what we are capable of. At first I thought of it as just some small attempt to start something up, but there is true potential and if we do this right the first time and make a name and designs that people would wear... we are set, we are gold, we would be out there. I can't do this without you guys though. I know that this whole set up won't be up and running till summer most likely, but I still need you guys, my walking advertisements, my readers, my friends. I want to throw myself out into the world were we make it or break it and hell, I hope my brother and I make it, but who doesn't wish that. This is it. I design, my brother promotes and then it's up to you.
- God Bless -
So on the side note, lately I have been getting into sculpting. Actually this morning I bought 6lbs of clay and I want to possible start a small line of bronze sculptures to broaden my art capabilities. I did start a larger sculpture in the past titled "scream" as you can see, but I ran out of clay and suddenly grew tired of the idea. Plus, I have been doing research and I have seen some styles that I find unbelievable, so I may turn that into a newer, more "me" style...
Other than that life has been same old same old. Watched "The Dark Knight" last night with a group of friends and worked on homework. So yeah, it has been great. Once again, take care and stay tuned for another post in the next day or two.
Later Tater,
Aaron Greene
"Scream" by Aaron Greene
(this was it in it's early stages. There are alot more details now, but I don't have a picture on me at the time. Sorry)
- God Bless -
So on the side note, lately I have been getting into sculpting. Actually this morning I bought 6lbs of clay and I want to possible start a small line of bronze sculptures to broaden my art capabilities. I did start a larger sculpture in the past titled "scream" as you can see, but I ran out of clay and suddenly grew tired of the idea. Plus, I have been doing research and I have seen some styles that I find unbelievable, so I may turn that into a newer, more "me" style...
Other than that life has been same old same old. Watched "The Dark Knight" last night with a group of friends and worked on homework. So yeah, it has been great. Once again, take care and stay tuned for another post in the next day or two.
Later Tater,
Aaron Greene
"Scream" by Aaron Greene
(this was it in it's early stages. There are alot more details now, but I don't have a picture on me at the time. Sorry)

Have you ever gotten that feeling where your nose take a lot longer to return to its normal position after a nice scrunch when it is cold outside? lol If that makes any sense to you I'd like to share my story. Snow has been spitting down on Fort Wayne all day today and from what I've heard, we haven't even hit the heavy stuff yet. Cars are piling up, people are taking small breaks on the snowy ground after a nice fall to the bahunkis, and others are staying inside in fear of loosing a finger or two to frost bite. I believe it has been the coldest day so far for Fort Wayne and I'm not sure if I like it. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow and all, but this overdoes it. I was walking to good old Cole Commons today (the main building of student housing) to get my mail and I could not make a straight face. It was either tucked away in my coat or stuck in scrunch position due to the issue I touched on earlier. Now I am back in my mildly warmer apartment and trying to pale down my rosy cheeks from the brisk air. Other than that, the day has been going well. I got a new assignment from computer arts class that will take up my spare time for a little while and I played pool with my brother over lunch break. I also talked with a few friends and I have even more ideas to put on shirts... I believe if I posted all my designs so far, I would have to make new ones for the company for quite some time, but the whole process of time is to eliminate the ones not so good and improve the ones with potential. So it is all in good time. I did talk to my brother (the other one hah) and it may be looking like we won't really be throwing up the business and website till summer where we can iron out all the problems. Plus we are currently talking to companies that can get us the best print for the best price so if you know of any out there, keep me updated.
That about does it for the cool winter day. Hope it doesn't last too long and stay in touch
Aaron "Abstract" Greene
"Eyes Glazed Over with Checkered Confusion" by Aaron Greene
That about does it for the cool winter day. Hope it doesn't last too long and stay in touch
Aaron "Abstract" Greene
"Eyes Glazed Over with Checkered Confusion" by Aaron Greene

Classes started today and I forgot how boring the first day always is. The teachers talk, the words fly by, and you leave, wondering why you just sat in class that whole moment. They try to teach but students are still stuck in vacation mode, wondering what they are going to do when they head back to wherever they live, whether that being apartments or home. I guess what I want to say is the first day of the semester should be devoted to handing out the sylabus and departing. We have eyes and we are in college, therefore we can read it ourselves. Don't get me wrong though, I am not frustrated with the fact that teachers do this, I just see that students can be alot more productive doing stuff that pertain to their outside life. Like ME!!! I would rather be working on shirt designs for AaronApparel and possibly getting this whole website done and tweaked to maximum satisfaction. Sooner or later. Tomorrow looks promising. OH!!! I did draw during my classes which dragged on and one design may be shirt worthy... we'll see. I'll cut this one short. I have an early class tomorrow. I'll post about something more interesting next time. Later!
"Retro TV" by Aaron Greene
"Retro TV" by Aaron Greene

Wow. I haven't posted in four days. I feel as though I have failed you in making sure you know the low down, the get up, and everything in between on what is going on. Here, I will make it up to you. This post will be extra juicy. hah.
So the website is finally finished, 53 pages of code later, and my brother and I met up with Martins Marketing (a local screen printing and embroidery company) to see just how much this whole journey is going to cost us, or which is more important, cost you if you ever decide to buy one of our shirts in the future. It is a scary to think that not even a month ago I came home with a small booklet of shirt ideas I just thought to throw together for a class and just for fun and now we may have a company on our hands. Opportunities happen fast and that's where we need to blindly jump on the wagon and go for a ride; fly to the clouds and keep reaching higher. There are no limits to our lives and what we can do with these opportunities if we truly believe in them. I believe that this opportunity in my life will take me to places and leave me smiling along the way. Optimism never hurt anyone.
Other than the shirt business, life has been good. I worked on a homemade screen print for a shirt design today just to dip my knowledge in a new medium; to try something new. By the way, making the screen, transferring the design, and placing it on to a shirt is definitely a harder and more time consuming process if you don't have the proper tools. I spent hours upon hours on that thing and it still looked amateurish. Amateurish to the point where I don't want to post a picture of it. I guess for my first time doing it isn't horrible, but since I like things perfect or close to it, I will take another stab at the medium and possibly share with you the better of the two when it comes to that moment.
Everyone has that one activity that clears there mind. Whether they feel stressed from current events or their mind feels as though it has been clogged and just can't, how might I say it, find the right words (hah), this activity helps keep them sane and on their two feet. These activities can range from eating sweets to boost their endorphins to taking a cruise around town in their car to get away from everything. My personal favorite is taking a nice long, slow pace jog and with all these events that have been thrown across my shoulders lately, a jog has been long waited. I will need to take one tomorrow to truly balance my life of sanity and insanity. There is too much of a similarity between those two words to be polar opposites. Just my opinion. That actually slightly bugs me. Oh well, what can I do about it?
That about does it for this post. Thank you for putting up with my absence and hope it doesn't hurt our relationship that we have so nicely going on! Later Gator and hope all is well and once again, a picture to turn that frown upside down.
"Inner Beauty" by Aaron Greene

Oh and by the way... not to throw pitty on me, but that date I mentioned in the last post did not get to happen. I was dropped at last second due to some overlaps in schedule. Bummer too, because she leaves one way for her college and I take the trail in a different direction. Like I said, I already had my opportunity and I blew it. My bad.
So the website is finally finished, 53 pages of code later, and my brother and I met up with Martins Marketing (a local screen printing and embroidery company) to see just how much this whole journey is going to cost us, or which is more important, cost you if you ever decide to buy one of our shirts in the future. It is a scary to think that not even a month ago I came home with a small booklet of shirt ideas I just thought to throw together for a class and just for fun and now we may have a company on our hands. Opportunities happen fast and that's where we need to blindly jump on the wagon and go for a ride; fly to the clouds and keep reaching higher. There are no limits to our lives and what we can do with these opportunities if we truly believe in them. I believe that this opportunity in my life will take me to places and leave me smiling along the way. Optimism never hurt anyone.
Other than the shirt business, life has been good. I worked on a homemade screen print for a shirt design today just to dip my knowledge in a new medium; to try something new. By the way, making the screen, transferring the design, and placing it on to a shirt is definitely a harder and more time consuming process if you don't have the proper tools. I spent hours upon hours on that thing and it still looked amateurish. Amateurish to the point where I don't want to post a picture of it. I guess for my first time doing it isn't horrible, but since I like things perfect or close to it, I will take another stab at the medium and possibly share with you the better of the two when it comes to that moment.
Everyone has that one activity that clears there mind. Whether they feel stressed from current events or their mind feels as though it has been clogged and just can't, how might I say it, find the right words (hah), this activity helps keep them sane and on their two feet. These activities can range from eating sweets to boost their endorphins to taking a cruise around town in their car to get away from everything. My personal favorite is taking a nice long, slow pace jog and with all these events that have been thrown across my shoulders lately, a jog has been long waited. I will need to take one tomorrow to truly balance my life of sanity and insanity. There is too much of a similarity between those two words to be polar opposites. Just my opinion. That actually slightly bugs me. Oh well, what can I do about it?
That about does it for this post. Thank you for putting up with my absence and hope it doesn't hurt our relationship that we have so nicely going on! Later Gator and hope all is well and once again, a picture to turn that frown upside down.
Aaron Greene
"Inner Beauty" by Aaron Greene

Oh and by the way... not to throw pitty on me, but that date I mentioned in the last post did not get to happen. I was dropped at last second due to some overlaps in schedule. Bummer too, because she leaves one way for her college and I take the trail in a different direction. Like I said, I already had my opportunity and I blew it. My bad.

My world. My abstract world. This is where I live 50 percent of the time. It tends to come and go, but I feel as though it controls me more than I can control it. In this world, this abstract world, I lose all sense of time as though in a dream, but I am awake. Usually influenced by the dreams I have the night before, if I can remember them, that is, these abstract dreams fill my head with drawings that will soon be the fruit of the cap less pen in my hand or ideas that I wish could come true, but are far from ever being so. This is where I go when my dreams become daydreams. My world.
I woke up this morning, half drained from the usual morning drag, but I couldn't help but smile. I have a "date" today. A "date" with an old friend whom I love dearly. I use the word "date" loosely, as in "I have plans to get together" with this person, but there are times I wish I could use the word in the way today's society uses it. To Date: to take out; n engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest. lol But what truly bums me out though is that this old friend is already taken and I respect that. She was the first girl I enjoyed walking around downtown with (even when it was raining and nasty out), she was the first girl to show me a street sign that said "Hug Street" just because she felt obligated to do so, but she was also the first girl to ask if I liked her and I turned her down. That is where life kicks you in the face. Where tides turn and feelings change and all you can do is sit back, close your eyes, and pound your head against the desk in front of you that never did anything to deserve such a beating. But life will go on. lol Sometimes I love being Optimistic, seeing the brighter side of everything keeps life interesting and a lot more enjoyable.
That about sums it up once again. I usually like to use this blog to keep you guys updated on the process of the company that my brother and I are throwing together, but I felt obligated to share this with you if you ever had the same thing happen. You are not the only one out there. I will most likely blog tonight on the company ideas though so don't worry. lol Here is a picture once again to tickle your fancy
Aaron Greene
I woke up this morning, half drained from the usual morning drag, but I couldn't help but smile. I have a "date" today. A "date" with an old friend whom I love dearly. I use the word "date" loosely, as in "I have plans to get together" with this person, but there are times I wish I could use the word in the way today's society uses it. To Date: to take out; n engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest. lol But what truly bums me out though is that this old friend is already taken and I respect that. She was the first girl I enjoyed walking around downtown with (even when it was raining and nasty out), she was the first girl to show me a street sign that said "Hug Street" just because she felt obligated to do so, but she was also the first girl to ask if I liked her and I turned her down. That is where life kicks you in the face. Where tides turn and feelings change and all you can do is sit back, close your eyes, and pound your head against the desk in front of you that never did anything to deserve such a beating. But life will go on. lol Sometimes I love being Optimistic, seeing the brighter side of everything keeps life interesting and a lot more enjoyable.
That about sums it up once again. I usually like to use this blog to keep you guys updated on the process of the company that my brother and I are throwing together, but I felt obligated to share this with you if you ever had the same thing happen. You are not the only one out there. I will most likely blog tonight on the company ideas though so don't worry. lol Here is a picture once again to tickle your fancy
Aaron Greene
"To a girl I once knew" by Aaron Greene

Have you ever taken a drink out of a glass cup (preferably water being the liquid inside) and gotten lost in what you see through it. I did this today and began to be amused by the design that was literally right in front of my eyes. It was close to a kaleidoscope effect but transparent in a way... I don't know why I share this with you other than the fact that I find entertainment in small things. Give me a rubber band and I could go hours with a smile on my face.
It seems that all day today I have been having this urge to do something I have never done before. I want to say that it was an urge of adventure, but it didn't really require too much movement. I mean, this "something" could have been anything, and I truly mean anything. That is, as long it was within appropriate boundaries or legal boundaries...Anything from watching a whole show on the History Channel (Discovery being the better of the two, but that's my opinion) to jumping in the snow half naked. (The lack of snow didn't really help that idea out too much, and who wants to jump in wet, slushy snow? That is a hands down on my part). In the end, I ended up sitting in a car, which was on its way to Chicago. My sister was heading back to college and we dropped her off. (We being my parents and I). On the "doing something I have never done before" side, I didn't really do anything worth noting... but hey, there is always tomorrow to add that one "adventure" to my list.
And last, the website I have been working on is on its way to be up and running. The name is still under construction though, but I can always kee you guys updated on that. Once it is in action i will definately throw a hyperlink on here for you to click and check it out. That about sums it up and here is a picture to add the cherry on top
Aaron Greene
"reaching out" by Aaron Greene

Hello Hello...
So I bought a tutorial on how to design a website with flash and I have to say... ActionScript 3.0 is a confusing program if you have ever tried to make sense of it. It is going to be pretty tight though. Once I get a hang of it, this website that my brother and I are going to pursue in and probably start selling shirts through is going to be awesome if it turns out the way I want it to.
Also... I spent pretty much all day today with family and trying not to get distracted, but I couldn't help but spot out all the people who were sporting the whole national hangover day. hah... Power to those who hold the tradition strong. All in all, it was an eventful and knowledgeable day. I think I found out how to make buttons on Adobe Flash!!! woot.
I'll keep this one short. Not because I ran out things to talk about, but because I still have much more to learn about Flash so I can get my website out there for you. Take care and thanks for reading.
Here is a little video I put together for you guys to ogle at... lol