My world. My abstract world. This is where I live 50 percent of the time. It tends to come and go, but I feel as though it controls me more than I can control it. In this world, this abstract world, I lose all sense of time as though in a dream, but I am awake. Usually influenced by the dreams I have the night before, if I can remember them, that is, these abstract dreams fill my head with drawings that will soon be the fruit of the cap less pen in my hand or ideas that I wish could come true, but are far from ever being so. This is where I go when my dreams become daydreams. My world.
I woke up this morning, half drained from the usual morning drag, but I couldn't help but smile. I have a "date" today. A "date" with an old friend whom I love dearly. I use the word "date" loosely, as in "I have plans to get together" with this person, but there are times I wish I could use the word in the way today's society uses it. To Date: to take out; n engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest. lol But what truly bums me out though is that this old friend is already taken and I respect that. She was the first girl I enjoyed walking around downtown with (even when it was raining and nasty out), she was the first girl to show me a street sign that said "Hug Street" just because she felt obligated to do so, but she was also the first girl to ask if I liked her and I turned her down. That is where life kicks you in the face. Where tides turn and feelings change and all you can do is sit back, close your eyes, and pound your head against the desk in front of you that never did anything to deserve such a beating. But life will go on. lol Sometimes I love being Optimistic, seeing the brighter side of everything keeps life interesting and a lot more enjoyable.
That about sums it up once again. I usually like to use this blog to keep you guys updated on the process of the company that my brother and I are throwing together, but I felt obligated to share this with you if you ever had the same thing happen. You are not the only one out there. I will most likely blog tonight on the company ideas though so don't worry. lol Here is a picture once again to tickle your fancy
Aaron Greene
I woke up this morning, half drained from the usual morning drag, but I couldn't help but smile. I have a "date" today. A "date" with an old friend whom I love dearly. I use the word "date" loosely, as in "I have plans to get together" with this person, but there are times I wish I could use the word in the way today's society uses it. To Date: to take out; n engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest. lol But what truly bums me out though is that this old friend is already taken and I respect that. She was the first girl I enjoyed walking around downtown with (even when it was raining and nasty out), she was the first girl to show me a street sign that said "Hug Street" just because she felt obligated to do so, but she was also the first girl to ask if I liked her and I turned her down. That is where life kicks you in the face. Where tides turn and feelings change and all you can do is sit back, close your eyes, and pound your head against the desk in front of you that never did anything to deserve such a beating. But life will go on. lol Sometimes I love being Optimistic, seeing the brighter side of everything keeps life interesting and a lot more enjoyable.
That about sums it up once again. I usually like to use this blog to keep you guys updated on the process of the company that my brother and I are throwing together, but I felt obligated to share this with you if you ever had the same thing happen. You are not the only one out there. I will most likely blog tonight on the company ideas though so don't worry. lol Here is a picture once again to tickle your fancy
Aaron Greene
"To a girl I once knew" by Aaron Greene