I don't know where to go with this blog anymore. I want to continue with it, but how long will it take till my words dry out and wind carries me on to just another interest on the web? All I am doing is taking one more address that someone may want in the future. How big is the Internet. It seems as though it may never end. Day after day, there is something new on it. Websites are being created by the dozens and content is being slapped as though it is one step up from the everyday publication.
I have had some inspiration lately. Maybe it's the fact, that my two dimensional art is boring me and I want to continue it but move up a step on the creativity level, or it's the idea that I grow tired with one thing and slide on to the next like I tend to do with my mind. I want to actually create my own website where I can express myself away from the daily blog everyone always sees. To be honest, do I want a blog where you hear me or do I want a website where you can see me. Does that make sense?
With this website, it would flourish with my art, it will bleed what I see everyday, it will scream "Abstract!" It will be a sanctuary where those who want, can sway to the ambiance created by the layout I present. I can dream, but can I create? We will see...

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