Wow. I haven't posted in four days. I feel as though I have failed you in making sure you know the low down, the get up, and everything in between on what is going on. Here, I will make it up to you. This post will be extra juicy. hah.
So the website is finally finished, 53 pages of code later, and my brother and I met up with Martins Marketing (a local screen printing and embroidery company) to see just how much this whole journey is going to cost us, or which is more important, cost you if you ever decide to buy one of our shirts in the future. It is a scary to think that not even a month ago I came home with a small booklet of shirt ideas I just thought to throw together for a class and just for fun and now we may have a company on our hands. Opportunities happen fast and that's where we need to blindly jump on the wagon and go for a ride; fly to the clouds and keep reaching higher. There are no limits to our lives and what we can do with these opportunities if we truly believe in them. I believe that this opportunity in my life will take me to places and leave me smiling along the way. Optimism never hurt anyone.
Other than the shirt business, life has been good. I worked on a homemade screen print for a shirt design today just to dip my knowledge in a new medium; to try something new. By the way, making the screen, transferring the design, and placing it on to a shirt is definitely a harder and more time consuming process if you don't have the proper tools. I spent hours upon hours on that thing and it still looked amateurish. Amateurish to the point where I don't want to post a picture of it. I guess for my first time doing it isn't horrible, but since I like things perfect or close to it, I will take another stab at the medium and possibly share with you the better of the two when it comes to that moment.
Everyone has that one activity that clears there mind. Whether they feel stressed from current events or their mind feels as though it has been clogged and just can't, how might I say it, find the right words (hah), this activity helps keep them sane and on their two feet. These activities can range from eating sweets to boost their endorphins to taking a cruise around town in their car to get away from everything. My personal favorite is taking a nice long, slow pace jog and with all these events that have been thrown across my shoulders lately, a jog has been long waited. I will need to take one tomorrow to truly balance my life of sanity and insanity. There is too much of a similarity between those two words to be polar opposites. Just my opinion. That actually slightly bugs me. Oh well, what can I do about it?
That about does it for this post. Thank you for putting up with my absence and hope it doesn't hurt our relationship that we have so nicely going on! Later Gator and hope all is well and once again, a picture to turn that frown upside down.
"Inner Beauty" by Aaron Greene

Oh and by the way... not to throw pitty on me, but that date I mentioned in the last post did not get to happen. I was dropped at last second due to some overlaps in schedule. Bummer too, because she leaves one way for her college and I take the trail in a different direction. Like I said, I already had my opportunity and I blew it. My bad.
So the website is finally finished, 53 pages of code later, and my brother and I met up with Martins Marketing (a local screen printing and embroidery company) to see just how much this whole journey is going to cost us, or which is more important, cost you if you ever decide to buy one of our shirts in the future. It is a scary to think that not even a month ago I came home with a small booklet of shirt ideas I just thought to throw together for a class and just for fun and now we may have a company on our hands. Opportunities happen fast and that's where we need to blindly jump on the wagon and go for a ride; fly to the clouds and keep reaching higher. There are no limits to our lives and what we can do with these opportunities if we truly believe in them. I believe that this opportunity in my life will take me to places and leave me smiling along the way. Optimism never hurt anyone.
Other than the shirt business, life has been good. I worked on a homemade screen print for a shirt design today just to dip my knowledge in a new medium; to try something new. By the way, making the screen, transferring the design, and placing it on to a shirt is definitely a harder and more time consuming process if you don't have the proper tools. I spent hours upon hours on that thing and it still looked amateurish. Amateurish to the point where I don't want to post a picture of it. I guess for my first time doing it isn't horrible, but since I like things perfect or close to it, I will take another stab at the medium and possibly share with you the better of the two when it comes to that moment.
Everyone has that one activity that clears there mind. Whether they feel stressed from current events or their mind feels as though it has been clogged and just can't, how might I say it, find the right words (hah), this activity helps keep them sane and on their two feet. These activities can range from eating sweets to boost their endorphins to taking a cruise around town in their car to get away from everything. My personal favorite is taking a nice long, slow pace jog and with all these events that have been thrown across my shoulders lately, a jog has been long waited. I will need to take one tomorrow to truly balance my life of sanity and insanity. There is too much of a similarity between those two words to be polar opposites. Just my opinion. That actually slightly bugs me. Oh well, what can I do about it?
That about does it for this post. Thank you for putting up with my absence and hope it doesn't hurt our relationship that we have so nicely going on! Later Gator and hope all is well and once again, a picture to turn that frown upside down.
Aaron Greene
"Inner Beauty" by Aaron Greene

Oh and by the way... not to throw pitty on me, but that date I mentioned in the last post did not get to happen. I was dropped at last second due to some overlaps in schedule. Bummer too, because she leaves one way for her college and I take the trail in a different direction. Like I said, I already had my opportunity and I blew it. My bad.