Oh the world we live in!
This morning I was searching the world wide web for various forms of signage. I wanted to use a modern yet slightly humorous construction of the everyday ideograms we see. Oh... the reason I was on this small excursion was all for a project I'm working on in my Graphic Design class. With my eyes glued to the screen and half glazed over with the usual daybreak of tuesday morning, I came across this picture and realized a spelling error. I felt obligated to bring this up mainly because in a world of graphic design, mistakes like this are drastic. We as designers of graphics must ALWAYS recheck our work and if spell check tells you that a word is wrong, most likely it is wrong. Also if you are not sure on anything, there are people out there to help you. People are always ready and willing to offer a helping hand whether you need it or not and for them to be asked for help surprisingly enough gives them a sense of importance and value.
On the lighter side, I did come across many beautiful designs and spell checked works, so I guess there are enough quality designers out there to balance the field. To the graphic designers out there, power to you and make an impression with the skills you were given and be a role model to those who are looking to be in the field. Competition only improves everyones dexterity.