Why Do I?

Posted on 5:55 PM, under , , , , ,

Why do I reach for things that have "Out Of Bounds" written all over them?
Why do I fall apart like 'Jenga' when one things goes wrong?
Why do I find errors in moments that are out weighed by the perfections?
Why do I always fall for the next thing in line?

I sat in a car for a long drive today and me being the forgetful person I am, I forgot to charge my ipod after using it yesterday on the bus to Cedar Point. In that kind of situation, most people would turn to the radio, but this is me we are talking about. If I have a choice between mainstream (radio) music and silence, I would take the silence any day. Nothing against music on the radio, it's just not me, and there is also something about silence that humbles a person. You should try it sometime.
But with dead air, there comes moments to ponder. I kept focusing on what I have done these last few weeks and realized a few flaws I have left unshackled, if I say so myself.
Each one of these questions have an answer if I really tried to look for them, but is it the answer I am looking for? I spend all of this time questioning why I do things and how I do them, but I feel as though I should just sit back and tell myself:

"this is what makes me, me"
"this is what separates me from you"
"this is why I am Abstract Greene"

If I had one suggestion for you, it would be to sit in a silent car, on or off. Preferably off if you are parked in a garage with the doors closed. I don't want to be responsible for anyone dying of carbon monoxide intake. But while you are in that car, put it in park and pop the seat back and let your mind wonder. Let it hike the trail it has not been on for quite some time. Let it soak in the tub you have been filling the last few weeks. I bet you will find moments in your life worth the smiles and the attention. Although you have a question, a knack for finding flaws or even a disappointment, it's not the end of the world. Strut on to bigger and better breaths of fresh air. Maybe after three winks, you will realize that God has a plan for you.

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What is it about one hug that makes me want to stay and savor the moment.
I come back to visit and to catch up with a few friends and I realize how much I have missed my second home. The place where I am always welcomed. The place where relationships have grown. Those people whom I have let out to dry and put on pause, only bless my presence when I get back. It may be summer and I do have an excuse for not being near them, but I do not have any excuse for totally losing contact. I apologize dearly to all whom that may pertain to. Life here in Elkhart is beyond my expectations and has kept every waking hour of my time busy, but I miss Fort Wayne. I am ready to be heading back and rejuvenating the fellowship I have put aside. Two more weeks.

Time passes; music plays,
Smiles are crossed and eyes gaze.
There are people,
might I say silhouettes,
paused amongst the crowd,
gawking at the two on stage.
They stand there singing their hearts out;
letting each word scream its own story,
scream its own passion,
scream its own journey.
I find myself drowning in the moment.
Nothing can touch me now.

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